Monday, September 13, 2010

Dealing With Bad Neighbors Without Losing It

Dealing With Bad Neighbors Without Losing It

By: Roby Pagong

Looking for the right neighborhood includes knowing your potential neighbors. If you want to have quiet nights and peaceful weekends, it is essential that you spend some time knowing about the type of neighbors you are going to live next to. You can spend talk to the people there and ask about how the environment is at night and during the weekends. You can also rent a room there for at least two nights to have a feel of how the neighborhood is.

Although you are careful, there is still a risk of having a bad neighbor. You may be living next to a person who creates a lot of noise. Some families just love to yell at each other. There are also those who host a party almost every day or have their friends over almost every night. Aside from noisy neighbors, you might also end up with neighbors who love to gossip about things that are none of their business. They ask about what you do and fabricate stories about it. So what would be the best approach to deal with these types of neighbors?

<>Dealing with bad neighbors

There are several approaches you can use but the best would be to communicate with your neighbor. Tell them what is bothering you and tell them in a nice way. If they are creating a lot of noise, then go talk to them. Ask them to turn down the volume. Most neighbors would not want to cause trouble. They just need to be reminded. Often, if their attention were not called, they would think that what they are doing is all right.

Sometimes, talking to your neighbors will resolve not anything. It can be tiring to go up to their front door and say the same thing over and over again. If this happens, then take note of the different incidents. Record the details of the events including what happened, the date and its time. If you can, take pictures of the incident or take a video of it, then do so. This will be helpful in the future especially if this will become a legal issue.

You need to familiarize the HOA rules as well. You need to have basis if you are going to file a complaint. Take note of the incident and list the section in the HOA manual that your neighbor has broken. Apart from the rules, it is essential that you know the steps you need to do when you complain against your neighbors. You do not want it to be ignored because of technicalities, would you? You should also know about the ensuing steps you should pursue if your issues are not resolved.

Most importantly, be the type of neighbor that your neighbor would like to have. You cannot expect your neighbors to be good to you if you are not good to them. Assess yourself and your family. Are you loud when you have parties at your place? Do you even listen to them when they talk to you? If you want to have good neighbors, be one.

You can follow several approaches in dealing with bad neighbors. What is important is that you try to resolve it before it gets out of hand.

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Article From Real Estate Pro Articles

Tags: chris colgan, foreclosure, manassas, northern va, short sale,

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